Heat Pumps Installation Mississauga | Heat Pump Repair Servicers
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Heat Pump Installation Mississauga

Efficient Heat Pump Services in Mississauga: Stay Cozy and Save on Energy Bills

Heat Pump $7100 Rebate

Heat Pump Installation in Mississauga 
Up to $7,100 Rebate

Heat Pump We Carried

Discover the Benefits of Installing a Heat Pump in Your Home for Optimal Comfort and Efficiency

Heat Pump Installation in Mississauga to the above persona

Welcome to For Saving Heating and Cooling Home Service Inc, your trusted provider of high-quality heat pump installation services in Mississauga. Experience a transformation in your home's comfort with our state-of-the-art heating and cooling solutions. Get ready to enjoy unparalleled efficiency, cost savings, and year-round comfort with our professional heat pump installations.


Transform Your Home's Climate with Cutting-Edge Heat Pump Technology


Are you tired of dealing with inconsistent temperatures, high energy bills, and outdated heating systems in your Mississauga home? Look no further! Our top-of-the-line heat pump installations are designed to bring you ultimate comfort and savings while minimizing your environmental impact.

Heat Pump Installation Process

FREE In-Home Consultation

Our Tech will arrange a meeting at your home to explore the installation procedure and evaluate if a heat pump is an ideal solution for your household needs.


They will conduct precise measurements of your dwelling to confirm the heat pump's suitability in terms of capacity

 Heat Pump Selection

Following the evaluation, the consultant will assist you in choosing the right heat pump size that fits your home perfectly.

Heat pumps come in various forms, such as air-source, ground-source, and ductless mini-split systems, each carrying its own set of benefits and specific installation prerequisites.

Arranging Home Energy Assessment

A certified energy consultant will visit for both pre-improvement and post-improvement energy evaluations. They will furnish you with a personalized report, suggesting potential enhancements.


It will be necessary for you to implement a minimum of one eligible upgrade. You will be required to arrange a subsequent home energy evaluation (post-improvement). Finally, you will receive your rebate cheque, which includes up to $600 allocated for the assessments

Our skilled technicians will execute the installation of the heat pump system within a span of 1-3 days. Given that heat pumps demand additional wiring, the system will be connected to suitable electrical points and copper pipes.


This process may necessitate the drilling or cutting of openings in the walls and ceilings

 Testing Heat Pump

After the installation process, the technicians will conduct a thorough check on the heat pump to confirm its correct and efficient operation.


If required, they might perform some fine-tuning on the system to enhance its overall performance.

Garbage Removal

After the heat pump installation, we ensure to remove all the resulting waste and debris.

Customer Survey

To constantly enhance our services, we kindly request your assistance in sharing your valuable insights about your overall experience with our team.

Home Energy Assessment Completion

It will be necessary for you to arrange for an energy consultant to conduct a post-improvement energy evaluation.


Once the comprehensive energy assessment is completed, you can expect to receive your HER+ rebate within a timeframe of 4-6 months.

Heat Pump Warranty Registration

We will manage all aspects of warranty registration and manufacturer rebate submission for you, eliminating the need for you to deal with any paperwork

The Most Popular Heat Pumps 

1. Unmatched Efficiency

  • Our high-efficiency heat pump systems ensure optimal climate control, maintaining comfortable temperatures throughout your home year-round.

  • Experience significant energy savings with our advanced technology, helping you reduce your carbon footprint and lower your utility bills.

2. Personalized Solutions

  • We offer tailored heat pump installation solutions that fit your unique home requirements, taking into account factors such as home size, layout, and existing HVAC infrastructure.

  • Our expert technicians conduct a thorough assessment to recommend the ideal heat pump system that meets your comfort needs and budget.

3. Enhanced Comfort

  • Enjoy consistent heating and cooling throughout your home, eliminating cold spots and temperature fluctuations.

  • Our heat pumps provide quiet operation, ensuring a peaceful environment for you and your family to relax and sleep.

4. Environmental Responsibility

  • By choosing our heat pump installation services, you contribute to a greener future. Heat pumps are highly energy-efficient and eco-friendly, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources.

5. Cost Savings

  • Our energy-efficient heat pumps can save you up to 30% on your annual heating and cooling costs.

  • With increased energy efficiency, you can potentially qualify for government rebates and incentives, maximizing your savings.

Contact Us Today for a Consultation

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